Friday, 5 October 2012

Thank you so much for mentioning my blog

This is a blog started by a man with Fragile X in Austism. To have started a blog and be so articulate... he is clearly very high functioning, BUT... it is incredible to read in his own words the struggles he still faces - severe joint pain at 30 caused by the low muscle tone that is an FX symptom, sensory issues that cause him to hate choosing new clothes each day so instead he settles on an outfit for the week! Insightful, heart-breaking, inspiring... all rolled together.
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog it means so much to me. If it was not for spell check every second word word be wrong. I have terrible spelling and not so good grammar either. But Yes I am high functioning and that is why I wanted to do this blog to help people see what it has been like for me.
I have 76 blog posts that go through every aspect of my child hood for you to read.
If you could share my site with as many people as you can think of who would like to read some of the stuff that would be really nice of you.
I am going to share this post to as many people as I can to spread the word of this and my site.
Thank you for your kind words
Jeremy Tolmie


  1. Jeremy, thank you so much for sharing your life's story. I am amazed at how well you describe the challenges, and know that my son has the very same feelings about clothes, t.v. but doesn't have the ability to tell me about it. Now you have just opened his life up for me to understand.
    Hugs to you, and my thanks

    1. Your welcome. I really want people to know and try to understand what it is like for us people that have to live with autism and fragile x. Most people have no idea how hard it is and what it takes for us to do the most simplest tasks. If they could just know what we have to go through they would be more able to help us in our journey and try to make it easier for us to be able to be who we are.
