Sunday, 7 October 2012

Another Mention of my Blog

I wanted to share a blog from a wonderful gentleman I have met while on my guest of raising money for Fragile X & Autism. I think God puts you in touch with the people you need in your life. I am very grateful that I have met Jeremy (online) and can continue to learn from him. Jeremy is 30 yrs old and has Fragile X & Autism. I always wondered what it would be like to crawl inside my sweet FX/ASD babies head and now I have met someone who can help me with that. You are amazing Jeremy, keeping sharing your story. You have the power to change so many lives and to bring hope to parents all across this world. :)

Thank you sooo much for your kind and humbling words. I started to wright things down about what I have gone through and am going to get it published one day. So I thought I should get it crowd sourced first to see if it was good enough to get published and see if people would even want to read what I had to say. I am thankful that people are liking what I have to say and I am going to continue to wright more day by day. I may not be-able to get a job or keep one but I can do this so I shall and hopefully this can be my job and I can someday make some money off of it.

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